Duty of Care Policy
The B&PCC has adopted and adheres to the ECB ‘Safe Hands’ policy. A Full copy of the Safe Hands policy is available via the ECB website, The B&PCC website and a hard copy is kept on the club premises.
To All Coaches, Volunteers, Age Group Managers and Adult Team Captains
Changing Room and Showering Facilities (+ use of Mobile Phones)
Adults must never shower and where practicable change at the same time as anyone under 18. If there is no practical solution and the person or persons under 18 is not comfortable with the arrangements they should be asked to get changed and showered at home.
Mobile phones / Cameras should not be used inside the changing room, shower and toilet area at any time irrespective of the ages of those taking part in the match.
Mixed gender changing is not allowed under any circumstances.
Photography and Video Camera Guidelines
Parental consent must be obtained before any picture of their child is displayed publically if connected with the club (i.e. on the club website, in the clubhouse or other communications such as newsletters etc). Such consent is requested on the Youth Membership Application forms.
The club will challenge any person seen taking photographs of children if that person is not known to the Club or if they appear to be inappropriate or out of context.
Any team photographs displayed containing players under 18 will not list that particular players(s) name.
When publically posting photographs of players under 18 the players(s) name should be omitted (especially on social media, the printed press and websites).
No photographs or video footage is permitted within the changing rooms, showers or toilets. The use of mobile phones is also prohibited within these areas
Video and Photography is permitted during coaching sessions as an aid to training. Parents and children under 18 should be made aware that such devices are being used. All data should be deleted after use.
Transportation / Supervision of players under 18
All children under 18 years must be marked in an attendance register at the start of each training session. Parents / Guardians of those in year group U8 and below must stay at all training sessions and matches. If this is not possible they should appoint a responsible adult to act in their absence. This appointment should be conveyed to the coach or manager responsible for running the session or match.
It is the responsibility of the parent / guardian to ensure that their child is transported to and from matches and training sessions. It is not the responsibility of the coach / manager.
Coaches / Managers are responsible for children in their care whilst on club premises or at away grounds.
If for whatever reason a parent or guardian cannot collect their child after a match or training session then the duty of care lies with the coach or age group manager. No child must be left alone at a venue after a match or training session. The coach / manager should try to establish contact with the parent / guardian to see what the delay is. If the delay is minor (less than 30 minutes) then the child should be supervised (preferably by more than one adult) until their parent / guardian arrives. If the delay is going to be significant (say more than 30 minutes) then the coach should ask the parent if they can take the child home for them. In such cases the child should sit in the back of the car.
If there is a long standing arrangement where a coach or manager transports a child or children to and from matches and training sessions the following best practice procedure should be followed.
*Children should always ride in the back of the vehicle. If this is not practical then the child in the front seat should be taken home and dropped off first. Try to vary the route so that you are not always dropping off the same child last. Wait until they have entered the home before driving off. Wait for acknowledgement from the parent if possible.
Social Media/Texting/ Email
The Clubs Facebook and Twitter Accounts and any other social media) should be ‘read only’. Members should not be allowed to post comments on these.
No adult club official or coach / manager should accept or follow other club members who are under the under the age of 18 on any form of social media.
Members under 18 should not be directly contacted by text message or email. All forms of communication should go through the parent / guardian.
Training Sessions
It is important that drinking water is readily available at all training sessions and matches involving players under 18 years of age (especially those lasting more than 20 overs). This is particularly relevant during hot weather and a break for drinks should be scheduled every 20-40 minutes depending on the conditions. It is also advisable that a suitable hat or cap is worn as a protection against the sun. The use of sun block should also be encouraged but must only be administered by the person or their parent/guardian.
The playing of unsupervised games on the outfield or in the hall prior to the commencement of a training session should be discouraged because of safety reasons (especially if a hard ball(s) is being used. Once the session or game is completed children may want to continue playing unsupervised. This should be discouraged unless a responsible adult (i.e. parent) is on hand to oversee it..
Every training session must be held under the supervision of an ECB qualified coach. Ideally they should be a level 2 or above.
It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to ensure that there is a detailed training schedule for each session and that this information is conveyed to the other coaches and volunteers.
The Head Coach must also ensure that there are enough coaches and volunteers to meet the minimum coach/pupil ratio. There must always be a minimum of 2 ‘responsible adults’ at each training session or match.
Ratio: *Nets 1:8 Group 1:24 Hard ball 1:16 Under 8 1:8 9+ 1:10
*Nets should only be used under the supervision of an ECB Level 2 (or higher) coach who has gained the necessary qualification in net coaching. The use of a bowling machine should also be subject to these criteria. Only qualified coaches are permitted to use a bowling machine at youth training sessions or on Club premises.
The Head Coach must ensure that registers are kept for each session. The details collected must include the name of the child, coaches and volunteers attending. (This can be performed by other members of the Youth set-up such as Youth Secretary or Youth Manager but it is ultimately the responsibility of the Head Coach).
It must also be pointed out that any child who is under 8 years of age must not be left unattended at any match or training session. The parents must stay on site at all times. Children between the ages of 8 and 12 should also be accompanied by their parents. If this is not possible the parent or guardian should appoint another responsible adult to act in their place should needs arise. This information should be conveyed to all parents at the point of completing the application form. Children over 12 can be left at the session but must be collected as soon as the session ends.
Youth Data Base / Player Profile
The Youth Squad Manager is responsible for the collation of information appertaining to every child (under 18) within the Club who attends Training (irrespective of whether or not they become members). They must ensure that all children complete an application form (via their parents) so that their contact details etc can be noted. All children must complete an application form on an annual basis even if they are part of a family membership or have done so in previous years. Once all of the relevant information is gathered the database should be given to the relevant age group managers. Information must include parents contact details, allergies and photography permission. All completed application forms must be securely stored.
ECB Guidelines and Directives
It is vital that all coaches and adult team captains are made aware of the ECB directives concerning the playing of youths in open age cricket. Full versions of the directives can be found on the ECB and Club website but in brief;
No child under the age of 13 can be selected to play in an open age (adult) match unless they are part of a County (not District) squad. If they are then a letter from their coach confirming their status and ability must be obtained prior to them playing. Parental permission is also required (obtained via the youth application form).
Other guidelines include; Wearing of Safety Equipment, Fielding Regulations and Fast Bowling Directive. (See enclosed cards detailing these guidelines which should be kept as part of your general equipment for ease of reference).
First Aid Kits / Incident and Accident Reporting Procedure.
It is the responsibility of the Youth Team Manager to ensure that their Age Group Managers all have an up to date First Aid Kit. These kits must be present at all fixtures (home and away) and each training session.
The Head Coach must ensure that there is an adequate up to date first aid kit present at each training session.
The Adult Team captains must be aware of where the first aid kits are located at both Mopsies Park and Langdon Hills Rec. (see below).
The Club has published its guidelines for the reporting of incidents and accidents.
Details of the procedures are set out below and can also be found on the Club
website (www.basildoncricket.hitscricket.com) and in the clubhouse at
Mopsies Park in the following locations;
Shower / Changing Area (On wall between the home and away changing rooms).
Bar Area (On the wall next to the telephone).
It is the responsibility of all adult team captains and youth team managers and
coaches to acquaint themselves with these procedures and follow them if circumstances arise which require them to do so. It is also advised that all adult team members are made aware of these procedures.
A landline telephone is located in the clubhouse at Mopsies Park adjacent to the kitchen area and its location is clearly marked. If for whatever reason the phone is not working it is the responsibility of the Adult Team Captain, Age Group Manager
or Coach to have access to a working mobile phone.
First Aid Kits are supplied to each age group manager and more are kept in the following locations;
Mopsies Park: In the kitchen area on the wall above the fridge. During home team fixtures it is the responsibility of the Home team captain or age group manager to place this in a clearly visible area (i.e. on top of the bar or just beyond the boundary near to the clubhouse). The location of the kit is clearly signposted within the clubhouse.
Langdon Hills Recreation Ground: In the equipment box near the kitchen area or in one of the changing rooms. During home team fixtures it is the responsibility of the Home team captain or age group manager to place this in a clearly visible area (i.e. just beyond the boundary near the scorer’s table).
In the event of an accident it is essential that an entry is made on an Accident Report form. This is the responsibility of whoever is in charge of the match or session (i.e. Adult team Captain, Head Coach or Age Group Manager). These will be kept with the first aid kits. Failure to log an incident/accident may render any subsequent insurance claim invalid. Completed forms should be given to The Club’s Welfare Officer as soon as possible. He should also be informed verbally either in person or by telephone of any incident. Please contact the CWO if you do not have any blank Accident Report Forms.
Accidents / Incidents: In the event of an incident or accident resulting in an injury please observe the following procedure.
- Stay calm but act swiftly and observe the situation.Is there danger of further injuries?Listen to what the injured person is saying.
- Alert a qualified First-Aider (if available) who should take the appropriate action for minor injuries.
- In the event of an injury requiring specialist treatment, call the Emergency Services on 999.
- Deal with the rest of the group and ensure that they are adequately supervised and safe.
- Do not move anyone with major injuries.Wait for the Emergency Services.
- Contact the injured person’s parent / guardian if appropriate.
- Complete an Accident / Incident Report Form (found inside the first aid kit).
Should any player require further treatment or in the event of an emergency the nearest A&E Department is located at; BASILDON HOSPITAL, Nethermayne, Basildon, SS16 5NL, Telephone: 01268-524900 or 0845-155-3111. Medical advice can be also obtained from NHS Direct on 0845-4647.
The local POLICE can be contacted on 101.
If you have any questions or need further clarification please contact
Neil Williams
CLUB WELFARE OFFICER (07913696778 / 01268 442229)
Version 5/3/2015